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Here is APO_Marshal and APO_ViceAdmiral wooping HG and GUN

Now Marshal is killing two guys at once!!!

APO_Marshal and APO_Elite_ beat the heck out of  ROMAN_GNUELL and Roman_dmx

Now APO_COLONEL and his bud take out TRUE_Oz_WiZ and TRUE_BLACKHAWK

_JOHN316_ (aka APO_COLONEL)  now beats up on WD_Zepplin

Here is JOHN again kicking a mouthy little AKC_Seminole

Admiral5 gives it to ULT's leader

Marshal kicks AFC Hard In The Butt

Now a couple of RoR's geting whooped, too easy


AOE Empire And Mr. Bobafett Vs ROR!

AOE Empire Beats 2, In A FFA!


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